単語が持つ固有のイメージ/Original Image of English Word

- 英単語には、基となる意味のイメージがあります。
- 英語ネイティブは、そのイメージを基に、その単語を用いる領域を広げます。
- 皆さんも、ある程度単語個別の意味群を知った後、イメージに迫ると良いです。
英和辞典によれば、いくつかの単語は多くの意味を持ちますが、皆さんは、英語ネイティブ(以下、「ネイティブ」と呼びます)はそれらの覚えて使いこなしていると思いますか?私はネイティブではないので、100%の確度を持ってお答えできる訳ではありませんが、答えはおそらく「No」です。ネイティブは、その単語が元々持つイメージ(堅い表現ですが「原義」という日本語が合います)に添っていれば、どんどん使ってきます。例えば、”big”という単語があります。これは、「寸法として大きい」という意味に加え、定性的、感覚的な「大きさ」も表現することができます。「大きな口を叩く、自慢する、ほらを吹く」という状態を伝えるために”talk big”という表現を使うことができます。「野心を抱く、大きなことを考える」という意味合いで、”think big”という表現を使うことができます。翻って、”large”は「寸法として大きい」という意味であり、定量的な状態のみを伝えます。Talk big, think bigは意味をなしません。
※このブログは、NHKラジオ講座「ハートでつかめ!英語の極意 ラジオ英会話」の大西泰斗講師の指導に触発されたものです。氏は同講座の中で、本テーマについて解説しています。また、ご自身の著書「英単語基本イメージ集中講義」でも個々の単語について解説しています。但し、この著書が網羅する単語は多くはありません。今回の”default”という単語も含まれていません。しかしながら、英単語の性質はここに記載したとおりです。皆さんも、多くの機会を通じて英単語イメージの「貯金」を増やしていきましょう。
“Magnetic Fridge Poetry” by Steve Johnson
licensed under CC 2.0: https://www.flickr.com/photos/artbystevejohnson/4654424717
Individual image of an English word
- Each English words has its own image of underlying meaning.
- Native English speakers expand the area of using the word based on the image.
- After you have learned some pieces of specific meaning of each word, it is good to approach its fundamental image.
This time, I talk about the original meaning and image of English words.
According to English-Japanese dictionaries, some words have many pieces of meaning. Do you think native English speakers (hereafter referred to as “Natives”) memorize and use them? I’m not a native English speaker, so I can’t say with 100% certainty, but the answer is probably “no”. Natives use a word in various occasions if they fit its image it originally has. For example, there is a word “big”. In addition to the meaning of “large in terms of dimensions”, it can also express qualitative and sensible “size”. You can use the expression “big name” to convey the state of famous person or group, not a long name. You can use the expression “think big” to mean “to have ambition”. “Large” means “large in terms of dimensions” and conveys only a quantitative state. “Large name” or “think large” doesn’t make sense.
From now on, I will explain images of English words little by little each time in lessons of Future English School. Gradually, the students can expand fields they can express using words they already know.
From here, I explain the word that I made a big discovery.
Do you know the word “default”? The dictionary says, “failure to do something that you are supposed to according to the law or because it is your duty “. In addition, it says, “the way in which things will be arranged on a computer screen unless you decide to change them”. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 3rd Edition)
I use this term in my work, so I am familiar with those pieces of meaning. However, I didn’t understand why the computer setting is called this way. After many days of thinking, all at once, I knew why. The image of this word is “to do nothing”. To do nothing and do not fulfill the obligation, so it will be failure to do something. As for computers, nothing is done and settings are not changed. Although the specific meaning differs depending on the situation in which it is used, the basic meaning is the same: “to do nothing.”
English is the language that UK spread around the world through its colonies and is still used around the world. In addition, English itself is a language that has widely adopted languages from other places due to the invasion to the British mainland. These historical developments have made the language flexible in its composition, and the individual words ready for wide use.
When studying English at schools, it is good to first look up specific meaning(s) of each word in with a dictionary. After that, at the stage of getting familiar with English, it is better to approach the base & original image. As a result, you will be able to use the word in many situations, and you will be able to guess the meaning and the context of the word used by native speakers, even if it indicates meaning you have never heard before. You can’t do it at once but keep trying. You will find in the future that you are using one word more flexibly and in quite a few places.
*This blog is inspired by the guidance of Mr. Hiroto Onishi, the lecturer on the NHK radio course “Radio English Conversation”. In the course, he explains this topic, an image of a word. He also explains individual words in his own book, “Basic Image of English Words, Intensive Lectures”. Unfortunately, this book does not include many words, only fundamental ones. A word “default” is not included. However, the characteristics of English words is same as described here. Let’s increase the “savings of images” of English words through many opportunities.