君の椅子プロジェクト/Your Chair for a New-born Baby

旭川大学 「君の椅子」プロジェクト紹介コーナー
札幌市中央区大通西5丁目11 大五ビルヂング2階
TEL 011-233-0609
[営業日は右記、休館日に注意]水・木・金曜 10:00〜17:00
Your Chair Project
This time, I would like to introduce the “Your Chair Project”. Kembuchi Town in Hokkaido has been working on this project, where I was born & raised and moved back from Tokyo this year.
This project was produced in a seminar at Graduate School of Asahikawa University. held by Mr. Kenichi Isoda, who had worked as a vice-governor at the Hokkaido Prefecture Office.
The project started in 2006 in Higashikawa Town, Hokkaido, based on the desire to “share the joy of welcoming a child in the local community.” A chair is made for each baby born that year and is engraved with the baby’s name, date of birth and serial number. The design of this chair changes every year, selected by a competition by leading designers. The material is solid wood in Hokkaido, and it is made by craftsmen in Asahikawa, a production area of renowned high-end furniture.
Kenbuchi Town joined this project in 2007 as the second municipality. After that, Aibetsu Town in 2010 (the municipality is located in Hokkaido if not mentioned the prefecture), Higashi Kagura Town in 2012, Nakagawa Town in 2014, Uruki Village (Nagano Prefecture) in 2015, Katsurao Village (Fukushima Prefecture) in 2018, and Atsuma in 2020. The number of towns and participating municipalities will increase. In 2009, the “Your Chair Club” was established, and non-residents of these municipalities can receive the chair of the year if they pay the cost. From 2011 to 2012, the “Your Chair with Hope” project was launched. This is a project in which Your Chairs given to children born in the three prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima on March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. On this day, in this extreme situation, 104 new lives were born in this land. Among these children, Your Chairs with Hope were delivered to 98 children in several batches by officials from Higashikawa Town, Kenbuchi Town, and Aibetsu Town, who participated in this project at the time. I heard that the cost for this initiative was covered by donations from the general public.
From now on, I would like to divide the themes “Your Chair” into parts and tell them in detail.
This time, we would like to talk about Mr. Yoshifumi Nakamura, who was in charge of the design of the first chair. Mr. Nakamura is an architect who has completed many excellent works, mainly for detached houses. In addition to designing buildings, he has published many books on architecture and some ones on food. Recently, he has much contributed to the book review section of the Saturday edition of Nikkei Shimbun. The story of how Mr. Nakamura became involved in furniture design is written in his book (“***”). When he was just starting out as an architect, he wished to work at the office of Mr. Junzo Yoshimura, a famous architect. However, he could not enter because there were no vacancies in the staff. After a while, Mr. Yoshimura contacted Mr. Nakamura, said that if Mr. Nakamura worked for furniture design, not for architectural design, he could have in his firm. Mr. Nakamura accepted the offer and worked under Mr. Yoshimura for about four years. Mr. Yoshimura himself was a great architect as well as a great furniture designer. This experience has significantly enriched Mr. Nakamura’s knowledge and experience.
I have Mr. Nakamura’s early publishing, “Jyutaku Junrei or Pilgrimage on Houses” (Shincho-sha, 2000). Visiting homes designed by world-famous architects, he commented on them with photographs and sketches. In this book, not only the building but also the furniture is covered in detail. In 2006, Mr. Nakamura created the first “Kimi no Isu or Your Chair” with the theme “For you who were just born.”
I have one more thing to tell you. This book was given to me by my acquaintance. When I turned the age of 40, my acquaintance retired from a major US strategic consulting firm and started a real estate business with his friend. My acquaintance has a professional experience track record to participate in creating Japan’s first financial holding company structure project when he was a consultant. He decided to quit consulting and start a real estate business focusing on housing. He aimed to bring high-quality housing to the market. He planned to appoint Mr. Yoshifumi Nakamura as the first architect for his product. I worked for a construction company for nearly 40 years, but the company did produce detached houses. However, the name “Yoshifumi Nakamura” left an impression on me, and I read many of his books after that. I also researched his architectural work. From these things, I understood that he is an excellent architect and a person of culture who is engaged in various activities. I am very happy that such a person became the first designer of the “Your chair” project.
There are many things I don’t know about this project. I would like to make research on them and send the results to everyone.
For this project, please refer to the URL below.
Asahikawa University “Your Chair” project introduction corner
There is a facility in Sapporo which introduces this project and has a permanent exhibition of every generation of “Your Chair”. Please drop by there, if you have a chance.
“Your Chair” Exhibition Facility
2nd floor, Daigo Building
11, Odori-Nishi 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
TEL 011-233-0609
Open on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00〜17:00