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About 400 meters apart from my house, a former cornfield is used as a camp/resting place for migrating swans. I have never seen anything like this in my 60 plus years of life. It’s very mysterious. Swans fly from Russia to Japan in late autumn, before the snow falls. In autumn, they just pass over Kembuchi. In the town, there are some people who feed them, and swans stay for a short time in former rice fields.

Swans will return to Russia in the spring. I don’t know where it is in the Russian/Eurasian Continent, but when I look at swans, they fly to the east. I imagine that it’s in the direction of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

In Kembuchi, there is a lot of land to be used for planting of crops, but there are several characteristics of the land that swans select for the camp. It is not flat, but has ridges. There is some water left from the melted snow. There should be no obstacles (houses, trees, electric wires, poles, etc.) in the surrounding area. 300m or more away from the house.

They come from the east around 6:00-7:30 in the morning. Most of them fly in a V-shaped formation with about 5 to 15 birds. Some come by itself or by two birds. Then make a few turns and descend into the field. Swans are big birds. It is about 1.2m when extended from head to foot, and the wingspan is about 2m from side to side. Such birds make sure they can land on to the land and then glide down like an airplane. Therefore, it is not possible to get off where there are obstacles nearby. Mountainous areas and sloping areas are also impossible. Because they are wild, they are highly cautious and stay at least 300 meters away from human appearance. We can see them relatively close, but swans maintain a minimum distance of approximately 100m from humans. Observing their behavior, they cry very loudly between 5:00 and 8:00 in the morning and between 4:00 and 6:00 in the afternoon. I’m not sure if they’re checking on their friends or if they’re looking for a mate. When I look at it, there are quite a few that are flying by a couple. I think it’s probably a “date”. Most of them sleep during the daytime. Some are awake and drinking water t on the ground. It doesn’t look like eating something. Because of their beak characteristics, they will only eat things that float on the water or fish in the water. Then in the evening it takes off and leaves. New swans come in the morning. I guess the length of stay is one to two days.

It wasn’t until April that the swans began to gather in this camp. At first it was 50 to 60 birds. However, when I went to see them on April 8, there were about 1,000 birds. (See video.) I think swans are probably migrating towards Russia in the evening or at night. During the daytime, if they are exposed to sunlight, their body temperature will rise, and your physical strength will be taken. Perhaps they are instinctively aiming for a certain place, so they don’t need to be able to see the terrain at night. Kembuchi is at the center of Hokkaido when viewed from east to west. There are mountains in the east and west, but in between there is a plain about 6 km wide and about 15 km north to south. I think swans find such places and migrate.

I think that global warming is progressing, but living things are coping with it. In addition to swans, there are other birds in the town that weren’t there when I was a child. I don’t know what caused the migration of swans this time, but it is an event that makes me feel the strength of the changing nature and the creatures trying to adapt to it.